Getting the very best out of your people.

To retirement

Any company can offer what they think their people want. But if you’re only relying on compensation and incentives to keep your best people, any company can compete with that. And they do. So, it’s time to stop competing and start getting creative: people who feel successful, secure and appreciated tend to stick around.

Getting the very best out of your people.

From recruitment
To retirement

Any company can offer what they think their people want. But if you’re only relying on compensation and incentives to keep your best people, any company can compete with that. And they do. So, it’s time to stop competing and start getting creative: people who feel successful, secure and appreciated tend to stick around.

You’ve worked hard to recruit great people.

Your next challenge is holding on to them.

" If you wait until an exit interview to find out why a valuable employee has decided to move on, you've missed a golden opportunity — not just to keep a productive member of your team but to identify and fix issues within your organization before you lose others. Instead, work smart to create a motivating and attractive work environment to retain the employees they want to keep.

When your staff have more opportunities open to them, you need a retention strategy built on the three pillars of performance, communication and employee engagement. A tailored, evidenced retention strategy is a key element of a truly comprehensive people strategy. By assessing your talent retention and attrition rate, putting a figure on the real cost of your staff turnover and identifying why people are leaving, we can then help you put the solutions in place.

At Twteen we understand that each organization has distinct recruitment requirements for different positions. So we design our recruitment processes by keeping in mind our partners' requirements, and their ultimate goals. And provide the best solutions so you can attract the best talent with the skills they need.

We harness the capabilities of our specialists to
support your business through

You’ve worked hard to recruit great people.

Your next challenge is holding on to them

" If you wait until an exit interview to find out why a valuable employee has decided to move on, you've missed a golden opportunity — not just to keep a productive member of your team but to identify and fix issues within your organization before you lose others. Instead, work smart to create a motivating and attractive work environment to retain the employees they want to keep.

When your staff have more opportunities open to them, you need a retention strategy built on the three pillars of performance, communication and employee engagement. A tailored, evidenced retention strategy is a key element of a truly comprehensive people strategy. By assessing your talent retention and attrition rate, putting a figure on the real cost of your staff turnover and identifying why people are leaving, we can then help you put the solutions in place.

At Twteen we understand that each organization has distinct recruitment requirements for different positions. So we design our recruitment processes by keeping in mind our partners' requirements, and their ultimate goals. And provide the best solutions so you can attract the best talent with the skills they need.

We harness the capabilities of our specialists to
support your business through


What gets measured
Gets managed

Employee Satisfaction

Gain Valuable Insight


What gets measured
Gets managed


Employee Satisfaction

Go above and beyond


Gain Valuable Insight

It always starts with a conversation

We listen to you so we can work with you to solve
challenges. Please get in contact with us.

It always starts with a conversation

We listen to you so we can work with you to solve challenges. Please get in contact with us.

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